Friday, August 31, 2012

Beach Days

Since we live a mile from the beach we like to go as often as possible I'm willing to clean up all the sand and lug all of our stuff and Finley to the lake.  It's a job! And in the middle of the day when the sand is hot it's darn near impossible.  (Especially when the flies are biting and you can feel the skin burning off your feet - true story, I did come home with blisters this summer because I carried e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g plus Finley through scorching hot sand.  Thankfully, Teague had his shoes and not flip-flops.)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday

chubby kankle feet/toes - Teague took this one himself
hide and seek OR "mom don't take my picture"?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy {Belated} Birthday one week late!

This is where we were last week - Big Twin Lake in Northern Michigan. It's an annual trip we take every summer - this is our 3rd year (but 4th trip, we were able to go in June this summer too).  And there isn't internet and hardly any cell service. That's the reason I'm late posting Finn's 2nd birthday.

Finley is officially 2 and I can't believe she so big!

Her favs:
Color: Pink
Food: Chocolate (she says "caw-ka-dot")
Movie: Tangled

She likes: "suggles", saying "bless you", reading, she talks a lot and we can understand her, she loves playing with Teague and they love each other and fight a lot too!

Lake Michigan - we love the beach, but sadly we didn't go as much as we would have liked.

Reading - it's so cute to listen to her "read" out loud.

Birthday PJs - thanks Miss Lissa!

We jump and we dance a lot too!

Her Halloween Costume - I put it on her to take pictures for her thank you cards since we had a cupcake theme. (They were key-lime and strawberry and so yummy!)

Happy belated birthday my sweet girl!  (Today she officially showed her TWO colors. She hit two kids with toys today at Chapel Mama's which is so unlike her. OH WELL! Hopefully she gets over this new habit soon.)
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