Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 {RECAP}

January: Kelley and Kyle get married!

February: Went to the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo

March: Teague turned 3 and was potty trained in two weeks! My brother Alex was in the show "Shirt Powers" - one of my favorites so far! Started spending time outside since the weather was getting warm.
He's singing not pushing. Though it doesn't look that way!

April: Visited Doug and Sarah with Matt, Jennie and Micah in Rockford, MI.

May: Went to Dave Ramsey Live and I met Jon Acuff.  I ran my first 10k. Spent the night in Chicago to help take care of my friend Judson who had a hip replacement. Caleb and Courtney got married! I turned 30!



 June: Started swimming at the beach! Took another trip to Chicago with Matt, Jennie, Drew and Dad to see the Chicago Cubs play the Detroit Tigers.  Ate at Girodanos! Stayed a long weekend up at big twin with Dave and Ashley and went to Traverse City one day.

July: More beach time!

August: Canned A LOT of tomatoes {I did 3 or 4 batches}! Finley turned 2!

September: The calming before the storm.
October: Gorgeous fall colors right across the street. Still spending time outside since it was really comfortable. Drew ran his 2nd Chicago Marathon.  He also took a trip to Minneapolis for 5 days. We went to Puerto Vallerta, Mexico!!! Carved pumpkins, dressed up and went Trick-or-Treating!


November: Alex was Sebastian in the Little Mermaid and Noah played several smaller parts including a Sailor.  One of my favorite roles Alex has played - his Sebastian voice was incredible!  I made Thanksgiving dinner. Drew turned 28!

Celebrated Christmas!

Happy New Year to you all!

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