So like all mothers I was so excited to be having another baby last year - a girl. I shopped A LOT for this girl because I wasn't sure how much stuff I'd get for her since we had 3 showers when we were expecting Teague. The Target clearance section became a favorite and if I remember correctly I'd make all kinds of excuses to go to Target just to check out the clothes (I may or may not still make excuses to go to Target - don't tell Drew). This was one of the outfits I fell in love with and may have paid full price for it because I loved it so much. BUT after my girl was born and started growing I got nervous, REALLY nervous that some of her adorable outfits wouldn't fit her. But guess what 2 weeks ago our girl got to wear one of the outfits and I was so excited I squealed with delight! (Which by the way I barely ever do - squeal that is.)
Now I need to get ready because we're off to the beach this morning with Auntie Jennie, "Bicah", Aunt Lissa, and Alli.