These last two weeks have been totally crazy.
Saturday Dec. 22 - We started out by having the Conlin Christmas Party at my Aunt Laura's and I counted at least 40 people there. Announced the pregnancy to my family.
Monday - Thursday - Work on the stairs going down to our basement and painted the trim.
Thursday - The Zielke Christmas on Christmas Eve. Announced the pregnancy to Drew's family.
Friday - Christmas Day at our house with my parents and brothers, Drew's parents and sister Lissa, and Grandma Smith.
Saturday - The Bergman/Maier Christmas at the Maier's.
Sunday - Teague's baby dedication.
And this week sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Drew is working on new closet doors for the bedroom downstairs. I am totally ready for him to go back to work. I love having him here -don't get me wrong- but, I feel like my routine and space has been totally encroached upon. Ladies, I know there are others out there who feel the same way.
Tonight we are headed to a little get together with friends to play games and watch movies. Have a Happy, Healthy New Year and remember 'nothing good ever happens after midnight', so don't stay out too late!